Well, pecan pie with whipped full fat cream will fill me up with 700 calories ! A healthy alternative is pumpkin pie and forget the cream. When it comes to sweets and desserts, temptation is even stronger as the pies are scrumptious.

The whole process of going to get second helpings is going to make me think twice about it. Convenience stores are not great on choice as regards healthy nutrients! The new dietary guidelines just out tell us that we should be aiming for NINE portions of fruit and vegetables - it was FIVE before ! That is bad news for poorer Americans as they would have to spend up to 70% of their total food budget if they were to take any notice of the gurus.

You are seated at the table. Next, you are invited out. Takes my mind off my food. Forget the doggy bags - it is just prolonging the temptation. Alcohol is flowing like a river in full flood! Your host is generous and your glass is always full. What I do in these situations is stick to one glass and alternate wine with water- so one glass of wine followed by one glass of water and so on. I also try to make sure that nobody will fill my wine glass right up to the top. First tip is to drink at least a glass of water an hour before you go out. Water has zero calories and will help to make you feel full, so you will eat less. Read the article and find out some ways to save your figure and your sanity! Shopping for food should take place in the grocery store or the supermarket as these are the places where you will find all the healthy food options. I always go very easy on stuffing and gravy - just a little sample to remind me what they taste like.How can you resist overeating ? The holiday season is upon us and temptation is everywhere! All those invitations to dinners and buffets - it is enough to despair. You will be tempted to graze too long at the buffet. I will also try to fill up on green vegetables - hoping that some health conscious person has thought about us diet obsessed humanoids!

Sipping my wine and eating slowly is another great way to reduce my raging hunger pangs. After all the holidays are over, the average American will have put on 5 pounds but if you follow my advice above, you will not be one of them ! . You can cut your alcohol consumption by at least half ! If I am buffet grazing, I always try to take very small helpings and then find a seat and preferably away from that tempting table! I try to find someone who I know and I will have to tell him/her a lot of things. Also try to fill up Wholesale T5 Bracket Lamps on cranberry sauce - cranberries are great antioxidants. You can also eat a handful of nuts - the fibre in these are going to make you feel less hungry